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Class orion.serviceregistry.ServiceRegistry

The Orion service registry
Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201107200200/plugins/org.eclipse.orion.client.core/web/orion/serviceregistry.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a new service registry
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addEventListener(eventName, listener)
Adds a listener for events on this registry
getService(nameOrServiceReference, timeout)
Returns the service with the given name or reference.
Returns all references to the service with the given name
registerService(name, The, A)
Registers a service with this registry.
removeEventListener(eventName, listener)
Removes a listener for events on this registry
Class Detail
Creates a new service registry
Method Detail
addEventListener(eventName, listener)
Adds a listener for events on this registry
{String} eventName
The name of the event to listen for
{Object} listener
The listener to add

getService(nameOrServiceReference, timeout)
Returns the service with the given name or reference.
{String|orion.serviceregistry.ServiceReference} nameOrServiceReference
The service name or a service reference
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for this reference to arrive before failing.

{Array} getServiceReferences(name)
Returns all references to the service with the given name
{String} name
The name of the service to return
{Array} An array of service references

registerService(name, The, A)
Registers a service with this registry.
{String} name
the name of the service being registered
{Object} The
service implementation
{Object} A
JSON collection of declarative service properties

removeEventListener(eventName, listener)
Removes a listener for events on this registry
{String} eventName
The name of the event to stop listening for
{Object} listener
The listener to remove

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Jul 20 2011 02:04:43 GMT-0400 (EDT)