@OslcNamespace(value="http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#") @OslcName(value="Container") @OslcResourceShape(title="Tracked Resource Set Base Shape", describes="http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#Container") public class Base extends AbstractResource
@prefix trs: <http://open-services.net/ns/core/trs#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix ldp: <http://www.w3.org/ns/ldp#> .
a ldp:Container;
trs:cutoffEvent <urn:urn-3:cm1.example.com:2010-10-27T17:39:31.000Z:101> ;
rdfs:member <http://cm1.example.com/bugs/1> ;
rdfs:member <http://cm1.example.com/bugs/2> ;
rdfs:member <http://cm1.example.com/bugs/3> ;
rdfs:member <http://cm1.example.com/bugs/199> ;
rdfs:member <http://cm1.example.com/bugs/200> .
Each Resource in the Resource Set MUST be referenced from the container using an rdfs:member predicate. The Base MAY be broken into multiple pages in which case the Server will respond with a 30x redirect message, directing the Client to the first "page resource". The representation of a page resource will contain a subset of the Base’s rdfs:member predicates. In addition, it will contain another triple, whose subject is the page resource itself (i.e., not the Base resource), with a reference to the next page:
a ldp:Page;
ldp:pageOf <https://.../baseResource>;
ldp:nextPage <https://../baseResources/page2> .
The last page in the list is indicated by a ldp:nextPage value of rdf:nil. The Tracked Resource Set protocol does not attach significance to the order in which a Server enumerates the resources in the Base or breaks the Base up into pages.
The first page of a Base MUST include a trs:cutoffEvent property, whose value is the URI of the most recent Change Event in the corresponding Change Log that is already reflected in the Base. This corresponds to the latest point in the Change Log from which a Client can begin incremental monitoring/updating if it wants to remain synchronized with further changes to the Resource Set. As mentioned above, the cutoff Change Event MUST appear in the non-truncated portion of the Change Log. When the trs:cutoffEvent is rdf:nil, the Base enumerates the (possibly empty) Resource Set at the beginning of time.
Because of the highly dynamic nature of the Resource Set, a Server may have difficulty enumerating the exact set of resources at a point in time. Because of that, the Base can be only an approximation of the Resource Set. A Base might omit mention of a Resource that ought to have been included or include a Resource that ought to have been omitted. For each erroneously reported Resource in the Base, the Server MUST at some point include a corrective Change Event in the Change Log more recent that the base cutoff event. The corrective Change Event corrects the picture for that Resource, allowing the Client to compute the correct set of member Resources. A corrective Change Event might not appear in the Change Log that was retrieved when the Client dereferenced the Tracked Resource Set URI. The Client might only see a corrective Change Event when it processes the Change Log resource obtained by dereferencing the Tracked Resource Set URI on later occasions.
When a Base is broken into pages, the Client will discover and retrieve Base page resources to determine the Resources in the Base. A Client MUST retrieve all the page resources of the Base. A Client MAY retrieve the Base page resources in any order, including retrieving some Base page resources in parallel. A Client retrieves the Base page resources at its own pace, and MAY retrieve any of the Base page resources more than once. If the Server allows the representation of Base page resources to vary over time, the Server MUST ensure that the set of Resources a Client would infer as members is necessarily an approximation of the Resource Set which, when corrected by Change Events after the Base’s cutoff event, yields the correct set of member Resources in the Resource Set.
A Server MUST refer to a given resource using the exact same URI in the Base ( rdfs:member reference) and every Change Event ( trs:changed reference) for that resource.
Constructor and Description |
Base() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
getCutoffEvent() |
List<URI> |
getMembers() |
Page |
Return a Page object containing information about the next base page.
void |
setCutoffEvent(URI cutoffEvent) |
void |
setMembers(List<URI> members) |
void |
setNextPage(Page nextPage) |
addType, getAbout, getExtendedProperties, getTypes, setAbout, setExtendedProperties, setTypes
@OslcName(value="member") @OslcDescription(value="A member Resource of the Resource Set.") @OslcPropertyDefinition(value="http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#member") @OslcTitle(value="Member") public List<URI> getMembers()
@OslcName(value="cutoffEvent") @OslcDescription(value="The most recent Change Log entry that is accounted for in this Base. When rdf:nil, the Base is an enumeration at the start of time.") @OslcPropertyDefinition(value="http://open-services.net/ns/core/trs#cutoffEvent") @OslcTitle(value="Cutoff Event") public URI getCutoffEvent()
public void setCutoffEvent(URI cutoffEvent)
- the cutoffEvent to set@OslcHidden(value=true) public Page getNextPage()
public void setNextPage(Page nextPage)
- the nextPage to setCopyright © 2017. All rights reserved.