RColorBrewer: ColorBrewer Palettes

Provides color schemes for maps (and other graphics) designed by Cynthia Brewer as described at http://colorbrewer2.org.

Version: 1.1-3
Depends: R (≥ 2.0.0)
Published: 2022-04-03
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.RColorBrewer
Author: Erich Neuwirth [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Erich Neuwirth <erich.neuwirth at univie.ac.at>
License: Apache License 2.0
NeedsCompilation: no
In views: Spatial
CRAN checks: RColorBrewer results


Reference manual: RColorBrewer.pdf


Package source: RColorBrewer_1.1-3.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: RColorBrewer_1.1-3.zip, r-release: RColorBrewer_1.1-3.zip, r-oldrel: RColorBrewer_1.1-3.zip
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): RColorBrewer_1.1-3.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): RColorBrewer_1.1-3.tgz, r-release (x86_64): RColorBrewer_1.1-3.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): RColorBrewer_1.1-3.tgz
Old sources: RColorBrewer archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: caROC, cellHTS2, clusterCons, consensus, contourPlot, corkscrew, DEXSeq, findGSEP, GOplot, GSCA, HD2013SGI, Hiiragi2013, IdeoViz, kcpRS, linkcomm, made4, MAPA, MDplot, MDSGUI, metagenomeSeq, micromap, MineICA, multinet, NormqPCR, OUwie, pathRender, phenmod, profileR, PST, qdap, quantregForest, RFLPtools, RTCA, SANple, SANvi, separationplot, SpeCond, sSeq, ssviz, TrackReconstruction, wordcloud, XhybCasneuf
Reverse imports: abseqR, abtest, ADAMgui, add2ggplot, adegraphics, AgroR, airpart, airt, AMPLE, Anaconda, ANF, animbook, anipaths, anota2seq, aroma.core, arrayQuality, arrayQualityMetrics, artMS, ASMap, asremlPlus, autoGO, autohrf, autonomics, AutoPipe, avidaR, aweSOM, ballgown, BAMBI, barcodetrackR, basket, BatchQC, BayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrend, BayesNetBP, bbl, beast, benchdamic, bigDM, bigMap, BindingSiteFinder, BioCircos, BioInsight, BioNERO, biovizBase, bipartiteD3, bispdep, blacksheepr, BloodCancerMultiOmics2017, bnem, bnmonitor, brinton, BubbleTree, bulkAnalyseR, C443, canadianmaps, cape, CARBayes, CATALYST, catdap, causalDisco, cbaf, ccfindR, CCPlotR, celda, CellScore, ceRtainty, CexoR, CFO, ChAMP, ChaosGame, chimeraviz, ChIPanalyser, ChIPexoQual, cholera, chromVAR, ciftiTools, cinaR, CIS.DGLM, citrus, clifro, CluMSID, ClustAll, ClusTCR2, clusterExperiment, ClusterSignificance, clustMixType, cmsafvis, coca, CoGAPS, cola, comapr, CommKern, communication, COMPASS, ComplexHeatmap, ComPrAn, condvis2, consensusDE, convdistr, corporaexplorer, COTAN, Countr, CSTools, curvir, cvCovEst, cypress, cytofan, CytoGLMM, cytomapper, cytoviewer, D3partitionR, DaMiRseq, datacleanr, dcanr, ddCt, ddsPLS, deBInfer, debrowser, DEGreport, dendroNetwork, densityClust, DEP, derfinderPlot, deTS, DExMA, DiagrammeR, DiffBind, diffudist, disaggR, DIscBIO, distantia, diversityForest, dlstats, dmrseq, dowser, DR.SC, dualScale, Dune, Durga, dycdtools, dynRB, easyalluvial, easylabel, ebirdst, ecocomDP, EGAD, EGSEA, EHRtemporalVariability, elaborator, EMbC, enrichplot, enviGCMS, epiCo, EpiCurve, EpiMix, EpiModel, epiNEM, eq5dsuite, ergm.ego, ERPM, ERSA, ERSSA, escalation, Euclimatch, explor, expowo, extraChIPs, extremeStat, fabMix, FAST.R, FateID, fCCAC, fedup, FGNet, FieldSimR, FIESTAutils, finnsurveytext, FLAMES, Fletcher2013b, flowAI, flowStats, flowViz, fnets, ForecastTB, ForIT, FRASER, FunCC, funkyheatmap, funModeling, GALLO, gDNAx, GeDi, genBaRcode, GeneOverlap, geneplotter, GeneRegionScan, GeneSelectR, GeneTonic, geneXtendeR, getspres, GGally, ggalt, ggcyto, ggfocus, ggiraphExtra, ggmanh, ggmsa, GGoutlieR, ggpie, ggplotgui, ggsc, ggspavis, GimmeMyPlot, gINTomics, GISTools, GladiaTOX, GLMMRR, gmGeostats, GNOSIS, GOexpress, GrafGen, GRaNIE, granovaGG, grapesAgri1, gravitas, growthPheno, GseaVis, GSEMA, Gviz, gwaRs, GWENA, hbamr, hdrcde, HDXBoxeR, heatmapFlex, heatmaply, heatmaps, Heatplus, hfr, HH, HiCBricks, hierarchicalSets, hilldiv, HiTC, HiveR, hockeystick, HodgesTools, hurricaneexposure, HybridExpress, ICAMS, iCellR, IDEAFilter, igvR, iheatmapr, imageData, immuneSIM, imsig, infercnv, InflectSSP, inpdfr, interacCircos, InteractiveComplexHeatmap, interactiveDisplay, interflex, interpretCI, IOHanalyzer, IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR, isomiRs, ITNr, itol.toolkit, ixplorer, jcext, jsmodule, kgraph, klic, LACE, LambertW, latticeExtra, LBSPR, lddmm, leaflet, LEGIT, les, levi, Linkage, LinkageMapView, LipidomicsR, loa, LoBrA, loci2path, longreadvqs, LorMe, lvplot, LymphoSeq, M3Drop, maftools, magpie, makeFlow, MantaID, MAPFX, mapStats, marcher, mariner, MassWateR, mau, mccca, MCDA, mem, memapp, MesKit, MetaNeighbor, MetaNet, metanetwork, metaviz, MethylAid, MethylMix, microbiomeExplorer, microeco, micromapST, miloR, MIMSunit, minfi, MixfMRI, mixOmics, MixSIAR, MKmisc, MKomics, MLInterfaces, MMDiff2, mobileRNA, MODA, MOFA2, MOMA, Momocs, Mondrian, Moonlight2R, MoonlightR, MorphoRegions, mosbi, mosdef, mosum, motifr, mousetrap, MSG, MSmix, msmsEDA, mstate, mstherm, MullerPlot, multiDimBio, multinomialLogitMix, MultiPhen, MultIS, multiview, MutationalPatterns, mvtsplot, naijR, NanoStringNCTools, netDx, NetRep, netresponse, networkABC, NetworkChange, networktools, NIMAA, nlcv, NMF, noaastormevents, noisemodel, noisySBM, noisysbmGGM, oaColors, occCite, oddstream, ogrdbstats, omicsViewer, oncomix, OncoSimulR, onemap, ontophylo, openCyto, openPrimeR, OpenRepGrid.ic, oppti, ordinalLBM, OTclust, OUTRIDER, PAFit, PAMhm, PanomiR, PanViz, PathoStat, pathwayTMB, pctax, pcutils, PDATK, pems.utils, petersenlab, PharmacoGx, phase1PRMD, phdcocktail, pheatmap, phenomis, PhosR, PhyloProfile, pipeComp, pkggraph, Plasmidprofiler, platetools, pleiotest, plfMA, plotgardener, plotluck, plotly, plutor, pmartR, pmd, polyqtlR, poolABC, popkin, POWSC, pqantimalarials, prettyglm, profExtrema, projectR, pRoloc, PROreg, Prostar, protag, psd, ptable, PTXQC, PubMedWordcloud, PureCN, pvLRT, QGameTheory, qPLEXanalyzer, qtl2ggplot, quanteda.textplots, quantro, QurvE, r3Cseq, r6qualitytools, RaceID, RadioGx, rafalib, raptr, rasterVis, RawHummus, RCM, RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2, RcmdrPlugin.temis, RCy3, ReactomeGSA, Rediscover, refreg, RegionalST, regioneReloaded, RestoreNet, rfm, rGREAT, RIbench, RITAN, rKIN, rliger, RMaCzek, rmcorr, rnaCrosslinkOO, RNAinteract, RNAmodR, rnaseqcomp, RNCEP, roastgsa, RobLox, RobLoxBioC, RobMixReg, RPANDA, RSA, RSAtools, RTNsurvival, rtsplot, RZooRoH, safetyCharts, SARC, scales, scater, scDataviz, scde, scITD, scMitoMut, scone, SCOPE, SCORPIUS, scp, scRNAseqApp, scTGIF, SeaVal, segclust2d, seqArchRplus, seqsetvis, SeqSQC, Seurat, SGCP, sgraph, SHAPforxgboost, ShapleyOutlier, sharpshootR, shinyMethyl, shinyMolBio, shrinkTVPVAR, SIAMCAT, sigFeature, SignacX, signeR, signifinder, SigTree, simaerep, SimBIID, SimBu, SingleMoleculeFootprinting, singscore, SISIR, sitePath, skewr, skyscapeR, sleeperapi, SMDIC, smurf, SNPhood, soc.ca, solaR, solaR2, spatialLIBD, spatialTIME, spatsurv, spectralAnalysis, spind, spkTools, SpliceWiz, splots, spmoran, SpotClean, SqueakR, sRACIPE, ssMutPA, sta, stacomiR, starvz, statnetWeb, statVisual, stfit, StMoMo, STMotif, stockR, stocks, STRINGdb, stxplore, SUMMER, SWMPr, SWMPrExtension, symphony, synapter, synlet, syntenet, Sysrecon, tactile, TADCompare, tagcloud, tashu, tastypie, TBSignatureProfiler, TCIU, tcpl, tcplfit2, tdr, tectonicr, TELP, TextForecast, TextMiningGUI, tidygate, tidyHeatmap, tidyheatmaps, tilingArray, tmap, tmaptools, tmod, TOmicsVis, tomoda, topoDistance, tosca, toxEval, TPMplt, TPP, tracktables, tradeSeq, TraMineR, TraMineRextras, traviz, TreeDimensionTest, treemap, tricycle, tRigon, tripr, TRONCO, TSstudio, tsutils, twoddpcr, ultrapolaRplot, UMI4Cats, VDJdive, vici, vidger, visa, ViSEAGO, vissE, vistime, visxhclust, vivid, VOSONDash, VplotR, waffle, wallace, Wats, wavemulcor, WaverideR, WeatherSentiment, WeightedCluster, wheatmap, whomds, wilson, wpm, wrGraph, WrightMap, WRTDStidal, xcms, XDE, yarn, ZetaSuite, zonebuilder, ztable
Reverse suggests: ActivePathways, actxps, aggregateBioVar, AlphaPart, altcdfenvs, animint2, Anthropometry, antiProfiles, aplotExtra, aqp, aroma.affymetrix, asymmetry, atena, atime, bayesplot, BayesSpace, BCEA, berryFunctions, billboarder, BioQC, bliss, bmstdr, bnpsd, bnRep, bodenmiller, bReeze, c3, caRecall, CAST, Category, ChemoSpec, ChemoSpecUtils, circumplex, Ckmeans.1d.dp, collapsibleTree, colorist, ColorNameR, colorspace, condiments, condvis, cophescan, cornet, corrplot, CTD, cytofQC, DAPAR, dartR, dartR.base, DClusterm, deckgl, deepSNV, dendsort, DepInfeR, DEScan2, DESeq2, diceR, directlabels, DirichletMultinomial, DmelSGI, DoE.base, dotCall64, dplR, DTAT, DTSg, ecoCopula, ecopower, ecoregime, ecotraj, EdSurvey, EGAnet, einet, emtdata, ENMeval, EnrichedHeatmap, epiR, epivizrChart, escape, eSDM, expm, factorstochvol, fdaSP, figuRes2, FMM, FRESA.CAD, fsbrain, gapmap, gdalUtilities, genefilter, genekitr, GeneMeta, GENESIS, genomation, GenomicScores, GenomicSuperSignature, geocmeans, GeoFIS, ggmuller, ggparallel, ggplot2, ggpubr, ggRandomForests, ggVennDiagram, GIFT, girafe, glottospace, GMCM, gnn, GOstats, grandR, gsbm, GSEAlm, GSVA, gt, gtrellis, Guerry, GWmodel, Harman, hdxmsqc, HilbertCurve, httk, iasva, idendr0, IHWpaper, inferCSN, injurytools, inlabru, intSDM, iNZightPlots, ipsRdbs, iSEE, isobar, jmvcore, jtools, KEGGgraph, kitagawa, kmeRs, kyotil, ldaPrototype, LDAShiny, leapgp, leiden, lemna, Linnorm, LocalControl, loon, LSRS, lulcc, lumi, mandelbrot, mapchina, mapmisc, MAST, MBNMAdose, MBNMAtime, mboost, metafolio, metamicrobiomeR, MetChem, methrix, mHMMbayes, mixgb, mlearning, mlergm, MoBPS, moreparty, motifStack, muscat, nbTransmission, NipponMap, nodiv, nuts, nvmix, oaPlots, oligo, openrouteservice, opera, PairViz, paxtoolsr, PerformanceAnalytics, phylosamp, phytools, PointedSDMs, Polychrome, polymapR, PPforest, PPtreeregViz, processanimateR, PtH2O2lipids, PWEXP, qrmtools, quickPlot, Radviz, ragtop, randomForest, rasterdiv, rattle, raw, rcellminer, recount, ref.ICAR, refund, regionReport, RforProteomics, RgoogleMaps, rlc, rnpn, robber, robustbase, robustlmm, rqubic, RRF, RRphylo, rSpectral, rTPC, RUVSeq, rworldmap, scDiffCom, scGPS, scPipe, SCpubr, sentopics, seqhandbook, sfcr, shiny.fluent, shiny.telemetry, shinyExprPortal, sigminer, SIM, simfam, sinaplot, Single.mTEC.Transcriptomes, singleCellTK, sits, slingshot, SLqPCR, smoof, sorvi, sp, SpaceMarkers, spacetime, SpaDES.core, SpatMCA, SpatPCA, spdep, spectacles, sperich, SPLICE, spNetwork, SSIMmap, statebins, streamDAG, superheat, survSNP, SynthETIC, tableHTML, TCGAutils, tensorEVD, TFutils, tidybayes, tidyjson, tongfen, TrajectoryGeometry, TreeAndLeaf, treespace, tsgc, UBayFS, UCSCXenaShiny, ursa, vfinputs, viking, vioplot, vvshiny, wrMisc, wrProteo, wrTopDownFrag, xmapbridge
Reverse enhances: EMCluster, geNetClassifier, geojsonio, QUBIC


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