This is only a rough draft - Megan 04/20/92

Minutes of the FTP Extensions BOF at IETF 23
Jordan Brown, 16 April 1992

The mail traffic and discussion at the meeting basically involved people's
wish lists for the protocol.  Topics included:

        . passing "auxiliary" information about files - dates, etc.
        . automatic authentication
        . encryption
        . on-the-fly compression
        . checkpointing/restart
        . language selection for messages
        . message digest calculation
        . atomic store (FTP your nuclear waste to...)
        . various protocol cleanups/clarifications
        . more sophisticated conversions - character set, app, etc.
        . should write both a spec and an "implementor's guide"
        . time conversion issues - time zones, DST, etc.

There was consensus that a Working Group should be formed, and when a
deafening silence resulted from a call for volunteers to chair it, I
agreed to.  (Volunteers are still solicited!)  Russ Hobby offered to
host the mailing list and archives.  The initial mailing list is the
BOF attendees.

Mailing list:
Archive:  /archive/ftpext-archive

No date was set for the next meeting.

Detailed comments:

. passing "auxiliary" information about files - dates, etc.
        The goal would be to build an extensible mechanism allowing a
        client and server to pass "auxiliary" information about files.
        Extended versions of LIST, RETR, STOR, etc would pass this
        information, and a new command would be added to change it.
        Matching client and server should be able to pass all of the
        information their native system supports; non-matching pairs
        would pass as much as they have in common.  A major open issue
        is whether the data should be passed in binary as type-length-value
        or in some printable-ASCII form.
. automatic authentication
        There are two basic ways in which authentication data might be
        passed at present - using FTP commands or, relaxing the spec
        a bit, using TELNET options on the control connection.  It was
        suggested that authentication and encryption are big complex
        issues on their own, and that they be split off from the rest
        of the items on the wish lists.
. encryption
        There was interest in encryption of both the data and the
        control channel.  Encryption is tightly tied to authentication,
        and the two should probably be treated as a unit.
. on-the-fly compression
        Some servers already implement on-the-fly compression triggered
        by variations in the file name.  The patent status of LZW is an
        issue which needs to be researched and resolved.
. checkpointing/restart
        Some attendees sought official blessing for Rick Adams' stream
        mode restart capability (present in some BSD clients and
        servers).  It was noted that it is unclear whether or not this
        mechanism truly works for NVT-ASCII mode transfers.  It was clear
        that the restart marker for this mechanism should be measured in
        data-connection octets.  Implementing such a restart mechanism
        might be tricky on systems where the local<->network translation
        is not strictly invertible.
. language selection for messages
        Seems pretty self-explanatory; obviously no system will support
        all languages, but support for multiple languages seems
        reasonable.  This issue will come up in other contexts (SMTP,
        etc); perhaps there should be a more global framework.
. message digest calculation
        The goal is to allow automatic mirroring of archives without
        having to transfer all of the data.
. atomic store
        The disposition of the file resulting from a failing STOR is
        unspecified; a new command would require that the file be
        deleted if the transfer was not completed successfully.
. various protocol cleanups/clarifications
        RFC 1127 lists several response code cleanups and
        clarifications.  Experience with newer servers which make more
        extensive use of multiline responses indicates that not all
        clients can handle them.  The syntax for multiline responses
        is apparently not clear enough; there has been confusion.
        Note that FTP multiline responses are more liberal than SMTP
        multiline responses.
. more sophisticated conversions - character set, app, etc.
        An extended version of NVT-ASCII mode would allow for
        transmission of non-USASCII characters; a mechanism would be
        needed to specify what character set is in use and what
        translations should be applied.  This issue has already been
        addressed in Kermit and the lessons learned there should be
        applied.  A still more sophisticated mechanism to automatically
        do application-level transformation (eg Microsoft Word to TeX)
        would certainly be useful, but is obviously a very complex
. should write both a spec and an "implementor's guide"
        It was mentioned that FTP has numerous common pitfalls, and an
        informational document pointing out these pitfalls and suggesting
        implementation schemes would help implementors and improve
. time conversion issues - time zones, DST, etc.
        Once FTP is passing around time information (file modification
        times, mostly), it becomes important to know what the times
        really mean, so that meaningful comparisons and conversions can
        be done.  One obvious answer is to require that all times be
        expressed in GMT, but that is awkward for the large (and ever-
        increasing) number of machines which don't know what time zone
        they're in.  One scheme for dealing with this would be to
        provide a command which gives the server's current time with
        respect to whatever TZ it finds convenient; the client can
        compare this with its current time to determine the offset to be
        applied to other times.  This requires very loosely synchronized
        clocks - less than 15 minutes difference.  It's not clear
        whether DST confuses this issue - a file stored under DST and
        later retrieved under ST might have its times mistranslated.
        (Portable computers make time issues a nightmare.)